

格拉斯哥大学的研究人员将在Responsible AI UK (RAi UK) 1200万英镑的新资金支持下的项目中发挥主导作用。.
格拉斯哥的计算机科学家参与了RAi UK在洛杉矶CogX大会上宣布的三个新项目中的两个.
Simone Stumpf博士 will lead the £3.5m Participatory Harm Auditing Workbenches and Methodologies (PHAWM)项目. 与此同时, Muffy Calder教授和Michele Sevegnani博士将在PROBabLE Futures -执法未来的概率人工智能系统中发挥关键作用, a £3.5m project led by the University of Northumbria.
RAi UK is led from the University of Southampton and backed by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), through the UKRI Technology Missions Fund and EPSRC. UKRI has also committed an additional £4m of funding to further support these initiatives. 

phham项目汇集了来自英国7所顶尖大学和23个合作组织的25名研究人员, including Scottish technology trade body organisation, ScotlandIS.
The University of Glasgow will lead the consortium, with support from colleagues at the Universities of Edinburgh, 谢菲尔德, 斯特灵, 斯特拉思克莱德, York and King’s College London.
在一起, 他们将开发新的方法,以最大限度地发挥预测性和生成性人工智能的潜在好处,同时最大限度地减少偏见和“幻觉”带来的潜在危害。, where AI tools present false or invented information as fact.
The project will pioneer participatory AI auditing, where non-experts including regulators, 最终用户和可能受到人工智能系统决策影响的人将在确保这些系统提供公平可靠的输出方面发挥作用.
该项目将开发新的工具,与相关利益相关者合作支持审计过程, focusing on four key use cases for predictive and generative AI, and create new training resources to help encourage widespread adoption of the tools.
The predictive AI use cases in the research will focus on health and media content, 分析预测医院再入院和评估儿童依恋潜在偏差的数据集, and examining fairness in search engines and hate speech detection on social media.
In the generative AI use cases, the project will look at cultural heritage and collaborative content generation. 它将探索人工智能的潜力,以加深对历史材料的理解,而不会误解或偏见, 以及如何使用人工智能以代表性不足的语言编写准确的维基百科文章,而不会助长错误信息的传播.
Simone Stumpf博士, of the University of Glasgow’s School of Computing Science, is the project’s principal investigator. She said: “AI is a fast-moving field, 由于发展往往面临着超过决策者确保以最小化危害风险的方式使用技术的能力的风险. 世界各地的监管机构正在努力确保在利用人工智能对社会的潜在变革性好处与对其产出的最有效监督之间取得平衡.
“审核人工智能的输出可以成为一个强大的工具,帮助开发更强大、更可靠的系统, but until now auditing has been unevenly applied and left mainly in the hands of experts. phham项目将把审计权交给那些最了解这些人工智能系统在四个领域运行的潜在影响的人. 这将有助于为最终用户带来更公平、更有力的结果,并有助于确保人工智能技术履行其监管义务.
“By the project’s conclusion, 我们将开发一个强大的培训计划和一条通往人工智能解决方案认证的途径, 以及一个功能齐全的工具工作台,使没有人工智能背景的人也能参与审计, 做出明智的决定, and shape the next generation of AI.”
£3.4m PROBabLE Futures project, led by Northumbria University’s Professor Marion Oswald MBE, brings together researchers from the Universities of Glasgow, 北安普顿, 莱斯特, Cambridge and Aberdeen universities with a number of law enforcement, 商业技术, third-sector and academic partners. 
The project will focus on the uncertainties of using AI for law enforcement. Professor Oswald said that AI can help police and the courts to tackle digital data overload, 未知的风险, and increase operational efficiencies.
她补充说:“关键问题是,人工智能工具从执法系统的一个部分获取输入,但它们的输出具有现实世界, 可能改变人生, effects in another part – a miscarriage of justice is only a matter of time.
“我们的项目与执法部门和合作伙伴一起开发一个框架,了解不确定性的影响,并建立对未来概率人工智能的信心, with the interests of justice and responsibility at its heart.”
Professor Muffy Calder and Dr Michele Sevegnani, of the School of Computing Science, will lead the University’s contribution to PROBabLE Futures. 去年, 考尔德教授与人合著了艾伦图灵研究所的一份报告,该报告研究了如何在使用人工智能时平衡国家安全需求和个人人权.
Professor Dame Muffy, who is also head of the University’s College of Science & Engineering, said: “I’m pleased to be part of PROBabLE Futures. 这个项目很好地帮助确保人工智能能够有效和合乎道德地融入执法基础设施,以帮助我们所有人保持安全. 
“去年, the University established our Centre for Data Science and AI to bring together our broad, 跨人工智能和机器学习理论与应用的多学科研究基地.
“RAi英国的这两个重要研究项目将有助于加强大学与其他领先机构的联系, as well as further establishing the UK as a leader in ethical AI.”
英国负责任人工智能公司(RAi UK)提供了资金,并成为其3100万英镑计划的支柱,该计划将持续四年. RAi UK is backed by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), through the UKRI Technology Missions Fund and EPSRC.
Since its launch last year, RAi UK has delivered £13 milliion of research funding. 它正在制定自己的研究计划,以支持人工智能安全研究所等重大举措的持续工作, the Alan Turing Institute, BRAID UK.
RAi UK is supported by UKRI, the largest public funder of research and innovation, as part of government plans to turn the UK into a powerhouse for future AI development.
戈帕尔·拉姆辛教授, CEO of Responsible Ai UK (RAi UK), 他说:“这些项目是负责任的人工智能英国计划的基石,之所以被选中,是因为它们解决了人工智能快速发展带来的社会面临的最紧迫挑战.


