
Getting to know you: Ian Pilbeam, Managing Director, HR Dept Edinburgh

人力资源部 is a leading outsourced HR和Health & 安全提供者, delivering all the services that in house professionals would provide, tailored for SMEs and act a fraction of the cost. HR和H & S are complex and technical areas, and it makes sense to outsource these functions to local experts, who will take time to get to know you and your business, and deliver bespoke and practical solutions that are appropriate for your business. Not only will this protect your business, but it will also save you money. 有什么不喜欢的!

Where do you see yourself/your company in five years?

人力资源部 has grown significantly in the past year and we are well on track to be the leading provider of outsourced HR和Health & 在本地安全. Clients love the concept of a one stop shop for everything to do with employing people, all delivered locally and personally. Employing people has never been more challenging, 在紧张的劳动力市场, 技能短缺, inter-generational challenges, and an ever more complex legal framework. Being able to provide peace of mind for ScotlandIS members is something we love doing.

What’s your role and what does a typical day involve?

As founder and leader of the business (fondly known as “The Boss”) my role is to drive forward the growth of the business and support our talented team who deliver great service and support to our clients. Surprise surprise there is no typical day: as the saying goes, people can do the strangest things, and that keeps every day interesting. If we can tackle a seemingly intractable situation, apply our knowledge and skill, and 找到 a sensible solution, then that is a good day for us.

Any new products, services, events coming up for your business?

We are now making available our recruitment service for ScotlandIS members. Wouldn’t it be great if you could recruit quickly without having to do hardly any of the work and not have to break the bank? It can be difficult to 找到 the right people with the right selection of skills and behaviours who fit your culture. And it takes so much time, something none of us have enough of! 人力资源部, your one stop shop for everything to do with employment, 能帮你定义工作吗, post the advert in the right places, 找到, screen and telephone interview applicants and provide you with a shortlist and interview questions. And with a one off fee of just £395 for ScotlandIS members plus a 5% placement fee it’s a bargain!

Why did you join ScotlandIS and importantly, why are you still with us?

We believe that membership of ScotlandiS gives us the opportunity to develop relationships with some amazing businesses within the membership. Developing relationships within and across sectors is key to how we help our clients to grow their businesses

If you could give one piece of advice to an emerging business/startup, what would it be?

When you start employing people, do it properly. You are becoming an employer and by setting up things correctly from the start you will not only protect your business, but also establish the foundations for success. Our Flying Start package may well be exactly what you need!
